Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's April 15...

Here's hoping you weren't up until the wee hours, like myself, trying to make good with the gov'ment.

Has anyone seen the UK's Black Books? There's a scene where the perpetually drunken/irate Dylan Moran is attempting to do his taxes, and to avoid them he starts matching socks, then later ends up inviting Mormons into his house to discuss religion, the afterlife -- anything but his taxes. Let's just say after the past two days, I can relate.

An ode to the Taxman, may he rotteth in hell.


Hackworth Artifex said...

Fortunately, I did mine online last week. :-)

We need to watch the rest of Black Books at some point. Dylan's standup is pretty awesome as well.

Joshwa said...

"I've fashioned them into a rather smart coat"

I have all three seasons. Brilliant stuff.

The Moon said...

Am I the only one who actually does their taxes the day they receive their W-2's...

Granted it's not the most awesome of activities but Jeffery neeeeeeds his tax return!
